Friday 18 January 2008

Learn Arabic

Always learn a bit of the language. Even if it's 'hello' 'goodbye' 'sorry' 'thank you' and 'help'. I've learned something of Kannada in Karnataca, Mandarin in Beijing and Portuguese in Brazil and it's come in jolly handy - especially when we got stranded at that bus station in God knows where.

So this is the strong message we're giving to Shark, Squirrel and Tiger. It doesn't matter how badly you think you speak it, learn some. You never know when it's going to come in handy.

Thus in anticipation of the trip to the Middle East, I've got out of the library Teach Yourself Arabic (Eastern version).

Incidentally, I think it is a public duty to learn Arabic in private. I have been going ACK ACK ACK all morning over several cups of tea, and I have nearly managed to tell the tea pot to drive shway shway because it is going too fast.

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